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Created 26-Apr-15
12 photos
Next, in a continuing photographic project of artists working on Whidbey Island, Washington, this folio is the third in a series of painters in their studios. Buffy Cribbs' reverse paintings create a rethinking of traditional painting methods. As the artist works, her devotion and dedication to process is evident.

MAY - Buffy Cribbs

For more information on the artist:

Guestbook for Buffy Cribbs
Sherine Chen(non-registered)
Hi Ms. Cribbs: Today, I went to Mukilteo Coffee Roasters and saw your beautiful painting on the high footstool, I asked the people at the coffe shop where I can buy these beautiful painting high footstools. They gave me your contact information.Pls email me what's your think. Thank you for your attention. Sherine
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